Sunday, February 26, 2012

Grass Lizards Keep up to four in a standard 20-gallon long aquarium

2. March 2011.
3. Why I picked this article is because the picture of the grass lizaard looked cool and I thought it would be fun to learn about it a little.

4. What I liked about this article is that it was more then just a few pages. I also liked that there was differnt pictures of the grass lizards doing differnt thing. Another thing I liked from this article is that it had a ton of information in it. Last thing I liked about this article is that they should a tank where it can live in if you have it for a pet.
5. What I learned from this article is that the grass lizard have good appeites. Another thing I learned from this article was the malegass lizards are more well-developed then females. I also learned that they lay one to six eggs. Last thing I learned from this article was that they have brown greenish backs with four to six rows of enlarged scales.
6. I do not have questions.
7. Its about the grass lizard.
A. No I would not want to get a grass lizard. Why is because it just doesnt sound like it would be fun.
B. The price for a grass lizard is about $10.
C. You can get them at for $10. Another place you can get a grass lizard is for about $10.
D. Yes there is grass lizard morphs. Theres not many though.
E. The price for the grass lizard morphs I can't find, but it says that they do have grass lizard morphs.

G. yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. You do not need a permit to get a grass lizard.
I. Yes they are kept i captivity.
8. Care requirments for the grass lizaard is they don't need a very big tank or cage to be in it just needs to be big enough so it can move around a bit. Theay need a certion light for there tank to. They need there tank at a certion temperature. They have plants in there tank to. They need to have soul or cypress mulch, but you can use newspaperts or paper towels to coconut fiber.
9. Grass lisard is cnsdeed an beginner pet. Why is because its really not that hard to take care of it.
10. The most interesting thing I learned from the article and the grass lizard is that there not that muc money to get one. I thought it would be more like $50 to have one as a pet.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Other Boa

2.March 2011.
3. Why I picked this article is because I thought it would be a good article to read.
4. What I liked about the article is it had a lot of facts in it. It also had a lot of good pictures. Another thing I liked was that had good information. Last thing I liked was that
5. I learned that boas are not know to be nippy. Aother thing I learned was that they are calm by nature and tolerenant to handed. I also learned that they should be taken well good care of when they are held.  Last thing I learned was that they can eat rabbits and guinea pigs.
6. I do have a question. It is can they eat more then just that after i found out that they can eat that stuff i'm thinking they can eat more then just rats now.
7. Its about the the Boa.
A. No I do not want get a boa. Why is because I don't like snakes.
B. The current market price for the boa is about $100 or more.
C. You can get them at for $100 or more. Another place you can get them is for $75 to $600.
D. Yes there are color morphs for the boas. They have alot of ones.
E. The cost for the morph boas is about $450 or more some times less.

G. Yes boas are endangered in the wild.
H.  In some places you do need a permit to get a boa snake, but I think in some places you don't ether it depense.
I. Yes the boa is kept in caotivity.
8. The care requirements for the boa is they need a cage they can stay in. They need water so they can go. They eat mices rats and some other animals.
9. This animal is considered a intermediate. Why is if its your first snake its going to be alot harder to take care of when you don't know what your doing.
10. The most interesting thing about the boa I found out is that they can eat rabitts and guina pigs.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Living In your Toilet

2. March 2011.
3. I picked this article because it sounded interesting to read and I like turtles.

4. What I liked about about the article was that it was about more then one turtle. I also liked that they numbered the differnt parts in the article. Another thing I liked was that they had good pictures. Last thing I liked about this article was that they had words about the pcitures right next to the pictures.
5. What I learned from the article was that they need a big enough cage for them and if they have more them one in the tank. Another thing I learned in the article is that they need a external hear source to obtain the proper bady temperatures for optimum physiological funcation. Another thing I learned was that they need minor surgery is needed to treat the abscess. Last thing I learned from this article was that you need to have the water clean and never have it dirty.
6. I do not have any questions about the article or the animal.
7. Yes this is about a particular animal. The animal is a turtle.
A. Yes I would want to purchase a turtle. Why is because I like turtles and think it would be fun to have.
B. The current market price is about $100 or less.
C. They can be purchased at for about $20 or more. Another website you can get a turtle from is for about $8 or more.
D. Yes there is morphs for the turtles. I didn't find out how many, but I know there a a lot.
E. The cost for the morph turtles are about $100 and up. It can be alot of money for some of the morph turtles.

G.  Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. No you do not need a permit to have a turtle, but for some turtles you might need a permit for some maybe you do.
I. The turtles are kept in captivity. Why is because people keep taking them.
8. The care requirements for the turtles are they need a tank with water in it. They also need rocks or things they can lay on. They need food to. They can eat pelits and some other things.
9. This animal is considered a beginner if you get the right kind of turtles. Some of the turtles might be intermediate or expert.
10. The most interesting thing I learned about the turltes is that there are so many different kinds and so many morph turtles.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

To The Point

2. Mrch 2011
3. I picked this article because I thouht it woud be a good article to do and I like turtles.

4. What I liked about this article is that they told you about there size and things like that. Another thing I liked aobut this article was that they told me that they are very poor swimmers. I also liked that that spiny hill turtle is very pointy. Last thing I liked what that they showed a pictures with one of the spiny hill turtles haching.
5. What I learned was that the spiny hill turtle is a poor swimmer. I also learned that they lay there eggs over night. Another thing I learned was that the eggs take about 100 to 110 days to hach. Last thing I learned in the article was that   in the winter they keep cool of the greenhouse.
6. I have a question about this spiny hill turtle. My question is why are they so pointy on there shell.
7. Yes this article is about a particular animal. It is the spiny hill turtle.
A. yes I would like to get a spiny turtle. Why is because I thought it would be cool to have one and I like turtles.
B. The current market price I could not find so I don't think you can buy them really.
C. Could not find the price so theres no websites I could find to get a spiny hill turtle.
D. There are no morphs for the spinny hill turtle.
E. There is no morphs so has no cost.
F. No picture because has know morphs.
G.  Yes these spinny hill turtles are endangered in the wild.
H.  No you do not need a permit to get a spiny hill turle.
I. They are not kept in captivity. They are very rare to find to.
8. The care requirements for the spiny hill turtle is they need a large enough cage so they can move to. They also need some water and gravel. Outside they need a large outside pen to stay in. They eat meaat sometimes in captivity. They also can eat choped skinned mice. Some oft them like to eat tomatos.
9. This animal is considered a intermediate to me. Why is because they need a large cage and differnt food you have to chop up and give to them. They also are pointy on there shell. It might poke you.
10. The most interesting thing I found out about the spiny hill turtle is that they are very rare to find.