Friday, February 3, 2012

Living In your Toilet

2. March 2011.
3. I picked this article because it sounded interesting to read and I like turtles.

4. What I liked about about the article was that it was about more then one turtle. I also liked that they numbered the differnt parts in the article. Another thing I liked was that they had good pictures. Last thing I liked about this article was that they had words about the pcitures right next to the pictures.
5. What I learned from the article was that they need a big enough cage for them and if they have more them one in the tank. Another thing I learned in the article is that they need a external hear source to obtain the proper bady temperatures for optimum physiological funcation. Another thing I learned was that they need minor surgery is needed to treat the abscess. Last thing I learned from this article was that you need to have the water clean and never have it dirty.
6. I do not have any questions about the article or the animal.
7. Yes this is about a particular animal. The animal is a turtle.
A. Yes I would want to purchase a turtle. Why is because I like turtles and think it would be fun to have.
B. The current market price is about $100 or less.
C. They can be purchased at for about $20 or more. Another website you can get a turtle from is for about $8 or more.
D. Yes there is morphs for the turtles. I didn't find out how many, but I know there a a lot.
E. The cost for the morph turtles are about $100 and up. It can be alot of money for some of the morph turtles.

G.  Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. No you do not need a permit to have a turtle, but for some turtles you might need a permit for some maybe you do.
I. The turtles are kept in captivity. Why is because people keep taking them.
8. The care requirements for the turtles are they need a tank with water in it. They also need rocks or things they can lay on. They need food to. They can eat pelits and some other things.
9. This animal is considered a beginner if you get the right kind of turtles. Some of the turtles might be intermediate or expert.
10. The most interesting thing I learned about the turltes is that there are so many different kinds and so many morph turtles.

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