Monday, January 30, 2012

Dwarf Boas of the Caribbean

2. June 2010.
3. Why I picked this article to read about is because the snake looked interesting and somethign differnt to learn about.

4. What I liked about the article was that there were little pictures showing differnt kinds of dwarf boas. Another thing I liked about the article is that it wasnt to long of an article. I also liked was that if you go to thye caribbean you will find these dwarf bnoas on thebeaches. Last thing I liked about this article was that these snakes are not to big.
5. What I learned from this article was that they are found in there habitats inckluding pin and rin forests. I also learned that the dwarf boas can only get to 2 to 3 feet long or even less no bigger. Another thing I learned was that the dwarf boas display several intersting defensive behaviors. Last thing I learned about this article is that you should have no time problems caring for the dwarf boas.
6. I don't really have any questions on the Dwarf boa.
7. Yes this article is about a particular animals. It is the dwarf boa.
A. No I would not want to get a dwarf boa snake. Why is because I don't like snakes at all.
B. current market price for the dwarf boa is $235.19 or so to buy them.
C. They can be purchased at for about $235.19. Another website you can get a dwarf boa is for about $150 to about $200.
D. Yes there is morph dwarf boa. I don't know how many there is, but I know there is a few of them.
E. The cost of the morph dwarf boas are about $223.16 or less.

G. Yes they are endangered in the wild, but they are rare to find.
H. I really didnt find anythign on if you need a permit toget a dwarf boa so I think you don't need one to get one.
I. Yes they are kept in captivity.
8. The care requirements for the dwarf boa is they need a water bowl. They are fed mice and other rodents. they need a cage with news paper on the bottom.
9. This dwarf boa is considered a beginner pet. If you know what your doing this is a good pet for you.
10. The most interesting thing about the dwarf boa is that there rare and you can't find many of them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

All Eyes On You

2. June 2010
3. I picked this article because I never new there was a such thing as jeweled lacerta so I thought it would be fun to learn about it.

4. what I liked about this article is that it had a big picture of the jeweled lacerta.  Another thing I liked about the article was that they tell you about there care requirements. I also liked that it had good information. Last thing I liked is that they showed steps on how to do some things.
5. What I learned from this article was that they spend lot of time basking in the sun. I also learned they can eat a bunch of differnt stuff. Another thing I learned is that they have feeding stations in there cage. Last thing I learned is that in the summer five or six times a week they need fed.
6. I don't have any questions about this article.
7. Yes this is about a particular animal. The animal that it is is the jeweled lacerta.
A. No I would not want to purchase a jeweled lacerta. Why is because it dose not look fun to have.
B. The current market price is about $90 bucks.
C. The jweled lacerta can be purchased at for about $90. I tried looking for another website, but could not find one.
D. Yes there are morphs for the jeweled lacerta. There quite a few of them don't no really how many just know theres a few.

G.  Yes the Jeweled lacerta is endangered in the wild.
H. cost for the morphs of the jeweled lacerta is about $5,000 for it. Thats a lot.
I.Yes this jewe;ed lacerta is being kept in captivity. Why is because there endangered in the wild.
8.  The care requirements for the jeweled lacerta are they need a big cage to stay in. they need spots to burrow in. They can eat some fruit and insects. They need to have lights that hare bright dearing the day and at night they need to have it dark. They also need alots of water.
9. This animal is consudered an expert pet. Why is because not many people can get them and when you do there kind of hard to take care of.
10. The most interesting thing I learned about the jeweled lacerta is how much the morph jeweled lacerta are. There a lot of money.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Precious and Tiny

2. June 2010.
3. Why I picked this article is because I thought it woyld be cool and didnt no about the bog turtles.

4. What I liked about the article was that it told you more about the blog turtle then just one thing. I also liked that it had subtiles. Another thing I liked about the article was it had little arcles abou tthe same bog turtle but not in the big article that im doing this about. Last thing I learned from this article was that there are pcitrues of the bog turtle doing differnt things.
5. What I learned about this article is they can eat many differnt things. Another thing I learned is that it's best to seek out captive breeders when acquiring new specimens. I also learned it is one of the smallest turtle species and rarest. Last thing I learned is they have a spot on there head.
6. I dont have any questions about the bog turtle.
7. Yes this is about a Bog turtle.
A.  Yes I would want to get a bog turtle. Why is because they look cool to have and I like turtles.
B. The current market price for the bog turtle is because there very rare you ca't really find a price for them.
C. Since I didnt find a price for the bog turtles I can't find a place you can purchase them.
D. When I looked on google I didnt find any mrophs for the bog turtle.
E. since there is no morphs for the bog turtle there is no price.
F. No picture because there is no morph bog turtles.
G. I didnt really find any thing about it being endagered in the wild so I don't think it is.
H. Yes you do need a permit to get a bog turtle.
I.  It is bad to have a bog turtle. It was treated in 1997 in the US.
8. The care requirements for the bog turtle are they need a  habitat must be calcareous, meaning it contains calcium. They eat berries, seeds, worms, slugs, incets, and crayfish and some other things.
9. This animal is considered a intermediate pet.
10. The most interesting thing about the bog turtle is that they need calcareous in there habitat.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Unveil the Mystery

2. June 210.
3. Whyed I picked the article was because I thought it would be intresting and didnt do a article about that type of animal yet.

4. What I liked about the article was that it told me some things about the breeder and breeding. Another thing I liked about this article is that
5. What I learned from this article was that eggs are laid 20 to 30 days after mating. I also learned that there eggs lay in a shoe box type thing to incubation. Another thing I learned was that they sometimes have 500 or more babys at a time. Last thing I learned was that theres babies weigh about 2 to 2.5 grams usyally at 3 to 4 weeks of age or even younger.
6.  I do have a question about this animal. My question is why do they have that many babies at a time.
7. Yes this article was about a particular animal. Its the veiled chameleons.
A. No I would not want to get a veiled chaeleons. Why is because they sound hard to take care of.
B. The current market price for the veiled chaeleons are about $40 or up for one.
C. You can get a veiled chanekeons at for about $40. Another place you can get a veiled chaeleons is for about $100 for one.
D. Yes there are color morphs for this animal. There are not many just a few.
E. The cost for the veiled chaeleons are about $200 or more for one.

G.  They are some what endangered in the wild.
H. No you don't need a permit to get a veiled chameleon.
I. They are kind of kept in captivity.
8. The care requirements for the veiled chameleon are they can life up to 5 years. They need a big tank to live in because they have very big.  They can't be kept in a glass tank. They can climb high up in there cage. They need news paper for the bottom of the cage. They need branches and leaves in the tank so they can climbs on.
9. This animal is considered an expert i think because when they have babys they have alot at a time and they have sertion things they need to do to clean cage and sstuff.
10. The most interesting thing about the veiledn chameleons is they have a lot of babys at once.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blood Phython

2.  January 2003
3. I picked this article because I was looking online for an article and came across this one and decided to read it. 
4. What I liked about this article is that it wasnt to long or to short of a article. I also liked that they told about them not just the blood phython. Another thing I learned about the article was they told us about the babie bloodphythons to. Last thing I liked about the article is that it had a lot of detail in it.
5. What I learned from this article is that some people can be scared of the blood phython. Another thing I learned from this article is back then everyone was afraid of these blood phython. Not one person liked them. I also learned that these snakes are not a beginner snake to have. Last thing I learned was if they don't eat for a long time they will go nuts.
6. Yes I do have a queston about this article. My question is how big do they get.
7. Yes this article is about a particular animal. It is an blood phython.
A.No I would never want to get a blood phython. Why is because I really don't like snakes.
B. The current market price for the blood phython is about $100 to $500.
C. Where you can get a blood phython is for about $100 and up. Another place you can get the blood phython is for about $150.
D. Yes there is blood python morphs. Theres quite a few of them.
E. The cost for the morphs they are about the same as the regular blood python.

G. Yes blood phython is endagnered in the wild.
I. Yes the pythons are kept in captivity.
8. The care requairments for the blood phython they need heavy water dishes for them to drink and soak in. They eat once a week frozen and then thawed rodents. They need to stay at 80 to 85 tempture during the day. At night it needs to be around 70 to 75 for the temture. Not to big of a house they need but not to little of a house because they need room to move around. They need news paper on the bottom of the house there living in.
10. The most intresting thing I learned from this article was that that most people hate these blood pythons.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

How to choose your best beginning turtle?

2.  Could not find the year ad month of this article. It was online on a website.
3. I picked this article because I love turtles and thought look up a article about turtles.
4. What I liked about this article was that they tell you about a bunch of diffent kinds of turtles. Another thing I liked about the article was that they tell you what turtles good to have as a pet. I also like that the article wasn't to long or to short. Last thing I liked about this article was that they had it in sections.
5. What I learned from this article is that alot of people ask what kind of turtle to get for a pet. I also learned that it depences on what kind of tank you have because some turtles might not fit in it. Another thing I learned was that  you can buy rare turtles to, but its very hard to find. Last thing I learned from this article was that female turtles tend to be larger turtles.
6. I don't have any question about this article.
7. Yes this article is about a particular animal. It is a turtle.
A. Yes I would want to purcjase a turtle. Why is because there so cute and I think it would be fun to do.
B. The current market price for the turles are about $16 and up.
C. You can get a turtle at for about $16 and up.  Another place you can buy a turtle is at for about $20 and up.
D. yes there is color morphs for the turtle. There are a few, but not t many.
E. The cost for the morph turtles are about $100 and up.

G. Yes some turtles areendangered in the wild.
H. Some places and some turtles I think as I looked up you do need a permit.
I. Yes turtles are kept captivity.
8. The care requiremnts for the turtle are they need a big enough tank they can swim in and move around in. They also need water in there tank. The turtle needs a rock or something it can climb on. Some turtles can eat these pelet things. Some turtles ca eat worms, and dark lafy greens. They also are messywhen they just to worn people about that. Make sure if yor turtle doesnt life in a tank with a lot of water make sure you give it water.
9. The turtle is considereda beginner pet if you know what your doing.
10. The most interesting thng about the turtle I found out was that the morph turtles are alot more money and diffent.

New ieWels from the rain forest

2. September 2001
3. I picked this article because I thought it would be fun learning about the poison dart frog. I also thought to pictures looked cool to.
4. What I liked about this article was that it told me alot about the morphs. I also liked that it told me alot about the things I needed to do the questions for the blog. Another thing I liked about the article I liked was that it was just a run threw of the animal they told so much about the poison dart frog. Last think I liked about it had so much details.
5. What I learned from this article is there saying blue is rare to see in nature, but you might see all kinds of blue poisn dart frogs. Another thing I learned was that poison dark frogs are vary fare you don't see them much. I also learned that the patricia dart frog was named in honor of one of the professional breeers. Last thing I learned was they are becoming more popular.
6. Yes I do have a quetion about the poison dart frog. My question is are all dart frogs have blue on them some where?
7. Yes is article isabout a pticulr animal. That animal is the poison dart frog.
A. No I would not want to purchase a poison art frog or even a dart frog. Why is because I really don't care frogs that much.
B. The current market price for the poison dart frog is for about $100 or less.
C. The poison dartfrog can be purchased at for about $30 to $140. Another place you can get them are for about $55.
D. Yes there are color morphs for the poison dart frog. Theres to many to count them.
E. The cost for the morphs about the same as the poison dart frog. So its about $30 to $140.

G. Yes they are endangered in the wild.
H. In some places I think they said you do need a permit, but they didnt say where though.
I. Yes the poison dart frog are captivity. Why because people buy them and breed them.
8. The care rquirements for the poison dart frog are they can life in a plastic tub till they get big ehough then they need glass tanks. They should have a places where its not to cold, but not to hot. They will only eat small life insects nothing eles will do. They done drink water they absorb in it. You should not hold them much they are mostly for just looking at in there tank.
9. The poison dart frog is conidered an intermediate.
10. The most interesting thing I fund out from the poison dart frog is that they all hve blue on them even the morphs did.

Playing with Fire

2. September 2001
3. Why I picked this aricle was because the title sounded interesting.

4. What I liked about this article was that it had a picture that looked like the African fire skink was in leaves with fire. Another thing I liked about this article was that it told me alot about them. I also liked it because it told me most of the stuff I needed to know for the queations I have to do.  Last thing I liked about the article was that there was stuff at the botton or the side of every picture about that picture.
5.  What I learned from this article is that the African fire skink is only available in limited numbers. I also learned that the African fire skink is in captibty. Another thing I learned in this article is that when breeding the African frie skink in the winter months lower the tempperatures over a couple weeks and reduce feeding before the cooling begins and stop it completely once temperatures have dropped. Last thing I learned from this article is that they don't get very big at all.
6.  Yes I do have a question about this article. My question is why are they called African fire skinks.
7. Yes this is about a particular animal. The animal it is about is the African fire skinks.
A. No I would not want to purchase a African fire skink. Why because they look ugly and sound they would be stuiped pet to have.
B. The current market price for the African fire skinks are about $50 to $250 maybe more.
C. The African fire skinks can be purchase at for about $50 to $250. Another place to buy an African fire skink is but there unvailable right now.
D. Yes the African fire skink does have color morphs. They didnt say how many they had, but I think theyhave quite a few.
E. The cost of the African fire skink morphs are about $50 or more.
G. The Afrian fire stink is endangered in the wild.
H. I looked on google and saw nothing about permits for African fire stinks so i'm thinking you don't need a permit to have one.
I. These African fire skinks are kept in capivty. Why because people buy them as pets.
8. The care requirements for the African fire skinks are you need some bark or mulch so it can hide it in.  A shallow dish of water so they can lay in it. They need  this light thing for at least 12 to 14 hours a day. The African fire stink needs to get mist about once a dy but should not be kept wet or it might get sick. In the colder mounths yu sould have a heating mat 24 hours a day. You need a 20 to 30 gallon tank up to three can fit in it. They can eat crickets, mealworms, small amount of fruit. They can have earthworms as a treat they love to eat them. They can also eat some kinds of dog food. Some adults might eat pinky mice but not many will. Make sure theres alot of hiding spaces so they can hide cause they love to. They can live up to 10to 20 years.
9. The African fire stink is considered an beginner pet I think.
10. The most interesing thing I learned from the African fire stink is that it will eat some kinds of dog food.