Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Precious and Tiny

2. June 2010.
3. Why I picked this article is because I thought it woyld be cool and didnt no about the bog turtles.

4. What I liked about the article was that it told you more about the blog turtle then just one thing. I also liked that it had subtiles. Another thing I liked about the article was it had little arcles abou tthe same bog turtle but not in the big article that im doing this about. Last thing I learned from this article was that there are pcitrues of the bog turtle doing differnt things.
5. What I learned about this article is they can eat many differnt things. Another thing I learned is that it's best to seek out captive breeders when acquiring new specimens. I also learned it is one of the smallest turtle species and rarest. Last thing I learned is they have a spot on there head.
6. I dont have any questions about the bog turtle.
7. Yes this is about a Bog turtle.
A.  Yes I would want to get a bog turtle. Why is because they look cool to have and I like turtles.
B. The current market price for the bog turtle is because there very rare you ca't really find a price for them.
C. Since I didnt find a price for the bog turtles I can't find a place you can purchase them.
D. When I looked on google I didnt find any mrophs for the bog turtle.
E. since there is no morphs for the bog turtle there is no price.
F. No picture because there is no morph bog turtles.
G. I didnt really find any thing about it being endagered in the wild so I don't think it is.
H. Yes you do need a permit to get a bog turtle.
I.  It is bad to have a bog turtle. It was treated in 1997 in the US.
8. The care requirements for the bog turtle are they need a  habitat must be calcareous, meaning it contains calcium. They eat berries, seeds, worms, slugs, incets, and crayfish and some other things.
9. This animal is considered a intermediate pet.
10. The most interesting thing about the bog turtle is that they need calcareous in there habitat.

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