Tuesday, January 24, 2012

All Eyes On You

2. June 2010
3. I picked this article because I never new there was a such thing as jeweled lacerta so I thought it would be fun to learn about it.

4. what I liked about this article is that it had a big picture of the jeweled lacerta.  Another thing I liked about the article was that they tell you about there care requirements. I also liked that it had good information. Last thing I liked is that they showed steps on how to do some things.
5. What I learned from this article was that they spend lot of time basking in the sun. I also learned they can eat a bunch of differnt stuff. Another thing I learned is that they have feeding stations in there cage. Last thing I learned is that in the summer five or six times a week they need fed.
6. I don't have any questions about this article.
7. Yes this is about a particular animal. The animal that it is is the jeweled lacerta.
A. No I would not want to purchase a jeweled lacerta. Why is because it dose not look fun to have.
B. The current market price is about $90 bucks.
C. The jweled lacerta can be purchased at http://www.reptilesncritters.com/jeweled-lacerta.html for about $90. I tried looking for another website, but could not find one.
D. Yes there are morphs for the jeweled lacerta. There quite a few of them don't no really how many just know theres a few.

G.  Yes the Jeweled lacerta is endangered in the wild.
H. cost for the morphs of the jeweled lacerta is about $5,000 for it. Thats a lot.
I.Yes this jewe;ed lacerta is being kept in captivity. Why is because there endangered in the wild.
8.  The care requirements for the jeweled lacerta are they need a big cage to stay in. they need spots to burrow in. They can eat some fruit and insects. They need to have lights that hare bright dearing the day and at night they need to have it dark. They also need alots of water.
9. This animal is consudered an expert pet. Why is because not many people can get them and when you do there kind of hard to take care of.
10. The most interesting thing I learned about the jeweled lacerta is how much the morph jeweled lacerta are. There a lot of money.

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