Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Beloved Beardies

2. January 2005.
3. I picked this article because it looked intrested. It also had a weared picture.

4. What I liked about the article was that it had alot of invermation. Another thing I liked about the article was that talked about the morphs. I also liked that it had many pictures. Last thing is that they tell you there great pets.
5. What I learned from this is that they have many morphs of the beardied dragon. Another thing I learned is you need to really decide what kind of bearedied dragon to get when buying one. Also I learned that they eat crickets and other little bugs. Another thing I learned is that female bearedied dragons can lay eggs even before there one years old.
6. I have a question. My question is how many eggs can they lay at once.
7. This is a particular animal its the bearedied dragon.
A.  No I would not want to purchase A bearedied dragon. They just look weared and dont look intrsting to have.
B. The current market price for the bearedied dragons is about $60 to $400
C. You can purchase a bearedied dragon at for around $150 maybe less just looked at that one.  Another place to get a bearedied dragon is at for about $90 to $150.
D. They do have morphs they have alot I couldnt find out maney.
E. the cost for the morphs are about $304.94.

G.  Yes tthe beardied dragon is endangered in the wild. Why because peopel keep taking them.
H.  It depences on where yuo live. Some places you need a permit but not every where.
I. In captivity they seem to haver a difficult time recognizing standing water.
8. The care reuirements for the beardied dragon is They need a sertion light to get heat and things. They need a cage. They eat crickets and alots of other things to.
9. The beardied dragon is concidered a beginning pet if you know what there doing.
10.The most interesting thing I learned about the bearoed dragon is that there is alot of diffent types of berdied dragon.

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