Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Chinese Fire-bellied Newt

2. February 2007
3.  Why I picked article about the Chinese ire-bellied newt is because I thought it would be cool to learn about them.

4. What I liked about this article was that it told you about stuff you wouldnt think it was going to tell you. I also liked that it had alot of invermation in it. Another thing I liked was that told you a website you could go to to find out about breeding it. I thought that was cool. Last thing I liked was that there stuff about the chinese firebellied newts, but it also had a little story by someone.
5. What I learned from this article was that there is similar species. Another thing I learned was that you need to keep them clean all the time. I learned that they live in small and medium sized bodies of water from drained ditches near rice fields and to the edges of rivers. Last thing I learned was that the chinese firebellied newts like clean water with few or no fishes.
6. I don't really have any queasstions about the article.
7. Yes this article was about a particular animal. The animal it is is the chinese firebellied newt.
A. No I would not want to purchase a chinese fire bellied newt. Why I wouldnt want to purchase a chinese bellied newt is because there kind of ugly to me.
B. The current market price for the chinese fire bellied newt is about $10 bucks.
C. They can be purchased at  http://www.floridaherps.com/products/Chinese-Fire-Bellied-Newt.html for about $10 bucks. Another place to get a chinese fire bellied newt http://www.exotic-pets.co.uk/chinese-fire-bellied-newt.html don't say for how much is not advaible right now.
D. Yes there is morphs for th chinese fire bellied newts. I doesnt say how many, but I know there alot of them.
E. The cost for the morphs are about $10 and up.

G.  Yes the chinese fire bellied newt are endangered in the wild.
H.  Some places as I was was looking it up think need a permint but most places you don't.
I. yes the chinese fire bellie newt is kept in captivity.
8. The care requirements for the chinese fire bellied newt is they need water in there tank. They also can live in a small tank not to beg or so small that it cant move. You got to feed your chinese fire bellied newt in evening they on tubifex and blood worms or chopped eartjwpr,s, dapjnoa, ad tiny bts of shrimp and fish. and similar meaty foods. They also can easy for instance in pet shops because there delicate.
9. The chinee fire bellie newt is considered to me a expert level. Why because you got to make sure there waters not to out and they eat each evening and they dont get touched much because there delicate.
10. The most interesting thing about the chinese fire bellie newt is that it can eat alot of things and that its delicate and you shouldnt hold it much.

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