Sunday, December 4, 2011

Solomon Islands Prehensile Tailed Skinks

2. 2000  Annual
3. Why I picked this article is because I saw the picture of the Solomon Island prehensile tailed skink and thought it looked cool .

4. What I liked about this article was that it had tuns of infarmation. It also told the stuff about the natural history and thought that was a good thing they put in the article. Another thing I liked about the article was they had diffent pictures so didn't things about the solomon island prehensile tailed skink. Last I thought it was a pretty intresting article.
5. What I learned from this article was that they solomon island prehensile taled skink only occure in solom island. Another thing I lerned was that it is nocturnal and crepuscular. I also learned that it is he best to by one from a reputable reptile breeder. Last thing I learned they need to be feed every other day.
6. Yes I do have a question. Can you get A solomon islamds prehensile tailed skink in the USA.
7.Yes it is about a certion animal.
A. I don't relly no if I would want to purchase one. I mean it might be cool to have one I just dont know.
B. The current market price for the solomon islands prehensile tailed skinks is since i couldn't find a price, but you can I think buy one.
C. These soomon island prehensile tailed skinks can be purchased at somoneone said one the internet but it dose not say how much they are.
D. Yes there are four morphs.
E. The prices or the morphs is about $100 to $400 maybe more.

G. I dont believe the solomon islands prehensil tailed skinks is endangered in the wild.
H. I saw in Massachusetts they do need you to have a permit to have a solomon islands prehensile tailed skinks. It didn't say anything about the USA though.
I.  Some people are keeping solomon islands prehensile tailed skinks as pets so they should stop buying them.
8. The care requirements for the solomon islands prehensile tailed skinks is that a custom built cage is made and the bigger the better for it. It also needs to have branches and elevated hiding spots. There needs to be violet lighting and the tempture needs to be dearing the day 80-90F. They need to have water and every day it should be changed. Vegetables of most all kinds they will eat.  A deworming should be done and annually.
9.  The level to have a solomon islands prehensile tailed skinks should be at intermediate.
10. The most interesting thing about the solomon island prehensile I that was that they will eat most any vegetables.

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