Sunday, December 18, 2011

Peach-Throat Monitors

2. February 2007
3. Why I picked this article was because the animal on the page looked intresting so I though why not learn about it a little.
4.  What I liked about his article was that it told me alot about the peach-throat monitors. Another thing I liked about this article is that it had alot of stuff about the animal. I also liked that it was very detailed. Last thing I liked about this article was that it was decriptive.
5. What I learned from this article is that peach-throat monitors can be some what hard as bets. I also Learned that peach-troat monitors need a big tank to stay in and a places to hind in it. Another thing I learned from this aricle was that they need direct sunlight. Last thing I learned was that they eat eggs, spiders, insects, smmall frog and spiders.
6. I do have a question about the peach-troat monitors aricle. My question is how long can they live and how big do they get.
7. Yes this is about a particular animal. The animal is the peach-throat monitor.
A. No I would not want to purchase a peach-throat monitor. Why I wouldnt want to purchase a peach-throat monitor is because it doesnt sound fun to have as a pet.
B. The current market price for the peach-throat monitors is about $7999.95 and alot less for them to.
C. Peach-throat monitors can be purchased at for about $7999.95 and for alot less to. Another place you can purchase a peach-throat monitor is, but they don't say how much they go for.
D.  I looked to see if there were any morphs for the peach-throat monitor, but didnt find anything so im guessing theres is no morph for the peach-throat monitor.
E. There isn't a morphs for this animal so its the same cost as I told you earlyer.
F. There is no morphs so there is no pictures.
G.  Yes these peach-throat monitors are endangered in the wild.
H.  No I don't think you need a permint to have a peach-throat monitor.
I. Yes these peach-throat monitors are kept in captivity.
8. The care rquirements for the peach-throat monitor is you need a big tank and places for it to kind. They also need direct sunlight. They eat insects, spiders, eggs and some other things.
9. The peach-throat monitor is considered a intermediate pet. So should know what you got to do and stuff before you get one.
10. The most intesting thing about the peach-troat monitor is how many diffent things it can eat and how big the tank should be.

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